
Thursday, June 11, 2009

El me golpea pero todavia lo amo...Sera verdad que el amor es Ciego?

Al leer este tipo de historia solo me queda pensar, hasta cuando?? hasta la muerte? Porque permitimos el maltrato, entiendo que es muy facil mirar desde afuera y juzgar pero estos casos la mayoria de veces terminan en trajedia...esta joven tiene solo 23.

Thursday, June 11th 2009, 4:00 AM

A Brooklyn woman told a rapt jury on Wednesday how she loved her abusive boyfriend and couldn't leave him - even after he held her captive for 17 days, mercilessly whipped her with an extension cord and duct-taped her hands to a crib.

Denetria Council, 23, kept jurors spellbound with her tale of love and hate, occasionally wiping tears and stealing peaks at the former lover who beat her with the extension cord.

"He would wrap it around his hand three times and then he would just sling it at my back," Council calmly told jurors. "He sat on my back and he burned me with a cigarette lighter."

The pretty home health aide told about "scars on my back and all over my body, my legs, my arms" and how she would sleep on soft T-shirts in his Bushwick apartment because her open wounds would painfully stick to bed sheets.

Jason Page, 34, the hulking, 6-foot-4 former beau is facing a life sentence for kidnapping Council for 17 days last July.

Jurors got a taste of their relationship as prosecutor Ed Purce played taped calls between Council and Page at Rikers Island as he sweet-talked her into helping him.

"I love you, beautiful, I miss you, ma," Page purrs on one. "You could help me get rid of this."

"I did what I was supposed to do," Council answers back sharply.

"So you called the DA?" he said.

But before the pain there was pleasure, Council testified, telling jurors how Page treated her well when they first dated in 2006.

"It was nice, he always made me laugh," said Council. "He cooked and cleaned and he ran the bath water for me."

Page's insane jealously took over, she said, and he hit her with a belt and demanded to know if she had another boyfriend. But they always made up.

"Why didn't you go to the police," Purce asked.

"Because I loved Jason," Council said. "I loved him and I figured it would stop sooner or later."

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